
Latest Technologies

TRuthBrush Monitoring Sensor

Ask us about Truthbrush, you will be amazed by the results. Your family’s health is the most important thing in your life. Whether it’s brushing teeth, a good diet or seat belts you are watching out for them every day. We know that you can’t be with your kids for every toothbrush session morning and night, can’t always time 2 minutes and can’t always coach the proper technique. Far too often the nighttime ritual turns into an argument. Older kids tend to skip brushing and younger kids brush for limited time. You’re not alone! Truthbrush changes the way that you interact, coach, and build positive habits with your family. It gives you and your dentist access to clear, accurate data so that you always know if they brushed, for how long and with the right coverage. Having data over time shows patterns that lead to positive improvements, ends the arguments and allows you to focus on what is important; your family’s health. Click this link to learn more!

Check out the Boston Globe article on the Truthbrush!

Cari-Vu - Caries Detection Device

Early detection is the key to preventing severe dental complications so we utilize the most advanced technology available to assist us in detecting cavities at their start. Laser cavity detection increases the possibility of detecting cavities at their earliest stages so we can correct the problem sooner, helping you maintain a beautiful, healthy smile for a lifetime.

Laser cavity detection has been proven to be over 90 percent successful in detecting even the smallest lesions that aren’t even noticed on X-rays! This procedure is simple, quick and pain-free, and most of all, it helps preserve the overall health of your smile!